For information on COVID-19, please visit the National Coronavirus website. Approved by the South African Government.

For information on COVID-19, please visit the National Coronavirus website. Approved by the South African Government.

*For references, product information and company details go to Panado® SA Website ‘References’:
2023062310291231 November 2023
2023062310291231 November 2023
I taste great
But what am I?
Solve the riddle to guess our NEW, great pediatric syrup flavour. Stand a chance
to WIN 1 of 25 R1000 Takealot vouchers.
*Competition runs from 15 January until 18 February 2024.
2023062310291231 November 2023
Our family is expanding
Panado® Paediatric Peppermint and Strawberry syrups are getting a NEW, great-tasting family member. Soon, we’ll have 3 flavourful syrups for fast-acting relief of paediatric pain + fever.
Whoever said that 3 is a crowd must be mistaken.
Whoever said that 3 is a crowd must be mistaken.

That’s great, but how do I enter?
Each week we’ll launch a new riddle on our Facebook Page. You’ll need to solve it with the correct answer for your chance to WIN 1 of 25 R1000 Takealot vouchers.
Each week, we’ll select 5 winners who guessed correctly. The competition runs from 15 January until 18 February 2024.
Want to read the terms and conditions? Click here.

This weeks riddle
I am a fruit.
I'm full of antioxidants
and really good for you.
What am I?
Entry form
Stand a chance to WIN 1 of 25 R1000 Takealot vouchers by completing the form. You’ll need to guess the correct answer to the riddle to be eligible for a prize. Winners will be announced each week.
Mmm… that’s great!
You might have solved the riddle
You're one step closer to discovering our NEW, great-tasting pediatric syrup flavour. You’ll receive an entry confirmation email soon.

2023062310291231 November 2023
The Competition Is now over, thank you for playing.