They say abandonment is a wound that never heals. Panado® recognises the important role safe houses play within their communities, providing desperate mothers with the opportunity to give their babies hope for the future.
Through 'A Dose Of Care' journey, Panado® shined a light on Jeremiah's Hope Baby Safe in Kempton Park and recognised the Centre's vital role in providing safety, shelter and love to neglected babies.
The percentage of infant abandonment in South Africa is frequently a contentious issue. Instead of discussing it, most people simply donate money to children in need, while others support organisations that provide for them. In certain instances, a small number of individuals engage in hands-on volunteering, donating their time and their services to aid these abandoned babies.
Panado's®' ‘A Dose of Care' campaign wants to share a dose of care with those who really need it.
Together with the Afternoon Express, they're sharing the work of do-gooders by lifting others and helping alleviate the poverty crisis gripping parts of the country through 'A Dose Of Care' journey.
South Africa's infant abandonment rate is increasing at an alarming rate. Even more distressing are the locations where people are abandoning infants.
Palesa Tembe, host of Afternoon Express, spent time with the full-time team at Jeremiah's Hope Baby Safe and witnessed first-hand, the support and dignity the team provides to women facing unwanted, unplanned pregnancies and the dedication they have to babies that may otherwise have been abandoned.

Palesa Tembe, host of Afternoon Express spends time with the babies alongside Sharon Rushton, Founder and Director of Jeremiah's Hope Baby Safe
When asked to choose someone to receive 'A Dose Of Care' matched by Afternoon Express, the Founder and Director of Jeremiah's Hope Baby Safe, Sharon Rushton, chose Tamryn Wells, a fellow hero who volunteers at the Centre and assists with creating a safe environment for all the babies.
As South Africans, we endure a great deal. There are so many unsung heroes who do so much without expecting anything in return, and that's precisely what 'A Dose Of Care' is about.