Panado® recognises that in life, our goal should be to give in as many ways and in as many forms as possible. After all, it is indeed the little of many that adds up to plenty.
Through ‘A Dose Of Care’ journey, Panado® honoured Mahlatse Goodwill Foundation and highlighted its commitment to educating and uplifting girls and destigmatising the stereotypes behind menstruation.
In 2021, Mahlatse Goodwill Foundation, in partnership with Mageba Wellness, initiated the Period Pride programme at Ivory Park secondary school in Tembisa. The Foundation raised enough funds to buy 800 pads that were distributed to the grade 9 girls at Ivory secondary school. Period Pride is now an annual programme run during Women’s Month to celebrate women and young ladies and show sisterhood in disadvantaged communities.
Panado’s® ‘A Dose of Care’ campaign wants to share a dose of care with those who really need it. Together with the Afternoon Express, they’re sharing the work of do-gooders by lifting others and helping alleviate disadvantaged communities through ‘A Dose Of Care’ journey.
Palesa Tembe, host of Afternoon Express, spent time with the dedicated team of Mahlatse Goodwill Foundation and witnessed the impact creating a safe space for young girls, helping girls manage their periods, and providing menstrual health support has had on the community.

When asked to choose someone to receive ‘A Dose Of Care’ matched by Afternoon Express, the Foundation founder Mahlatse Malesa chose Mageba Wellness.
Teaching young girls about menstrual health and how to understand their bodies is crucial to combatting the stigma surrounding menstruation. There are so many unsung heroes working to improve the lives of others, and that's precisely what ‘A Dose Of Care’ is about.
As South Africans, we endure a great deal. There are so many unsung heroes who do so much without expecting anything in return, and that's precisely what ‘A Dose Of Care’ is about.