What makes a hero or a heroine? Panado® believes true heroes are j’ust everyday people trying to do what's right.
Through 'A Dose Of Care' journey, Panado® recognised and honoured Beatrice Leng for her dedication to making a significant impact on the lives of those around her and being
a positive role model within her community of Tafelsig in Mitchells Plain.
Aunty Beatrice, affectionately nicknamed The Mayor of Tafelsig, is known for her courage, genuine love and heart for the community.
Beatrice has spread care and hope across Tafelsig and surrounding areas for over 35 years. She is committed to helping eradicate malnutrition in vulnerable communities and,
along with her team of volunteers, provides weekly soup kitchens that cater for children and seniors. She is also a key member of Thušanang Community Development, an NPO
that helps women and children who are survivors of abuse.
Panado's® 'A Dose of Care' campaign wants to share a dose of care with those who really need it. Together with the Afternoon Express, they're sharing the work of do-gooders
by lifting others and helping alleviate the poverty crisis gripping parts of the country through 'A Dose Of Care' journey.
Palesa Tembe, host of Afternoon Express, spent an afternoon with Beatrice and the volunteers who believe in her cause, helping prepare freshly made bowls of hot soup for
less fortunate souls.
To honour and celebrate Beatrice and the life-saving work she is doing, Panado® gifted 'A Dose Of Care' to her. With Panado's gift matched by Afternoon Express's, Beatrice
nominated Carolyn Meyer as her nominee of choice. Whether it's an opportunity to feed a hungry tummy or create a safe haven for children, Carolyn is the definition of 'A Dose
Of Care'.
As South Africans, we endure a great deal. There are so many unsung heroes who do so much without expecting anything in return, and that's precisely what 'A Dose Of Care' is
Can you think of someone in your neighbourhood whose efforts on behalf of others warrant more recognition? Panado® and Afternoon Express would like to invite South
Africans to nominate fellow South Africans in their families and communities who demonstrate genuine concern for others and to share their stories. Tell us who they are, what
they do for the community, and why they should receive a dose of care.
Remember to use the hashtags #ADoseOfCare and #PanadoSA in your answer, and your chosen nominee could stand a chance to receive 'A Dose Of Care' from Panado®.
Afternoon Express will add another 'Dose Of Care' for their charity or nominee of choice so that they can also share 'A Dose Of Care'.
To enter, or for more information, follow Afternoon Express Facebook page and Afternoon Express Twitter page . The campaign competition runs until 8 November 2022. T's and
C's can be found on https://afternoonexpress.co.za/.
For references, product information and company details go to 'References' tab. 2022111110241683 - December 2022